
Showing posts from May, 2018

Differences Among Five Commonly Used Quantitative Proteomics Analysis Methods

The proteome refers to the full set of proteins expressed by an organism. Proteomics essentially refers to studying the characteristics of proteins on a large scale, including the expression level of proteins, post   translational modification , protein-protein interactions, etc., thereby obtaining overall and comprehensive understanding of   disease occurrence, cell metabolism  and other processes at protein level . The emergence and development of biological mass spectrometry provide a   reliable and dynamic range of research tools fo r quantitative proteomic s  analysis.    Currently , there are five mainstream   quantitative proteomic s  met hods ,   l abel-free, iTRAQ , SILAC , MRM  (MRMHR), and SWATH . Label-free Label Free Workflow Label   free   quantitative proteomics   does not require specific labeling of comparative samples. It is only necessary to compare the chromatographic mass-spectrometry response signals of specific protein peptides between different