
Showing posts from July, 2018

Part II: Detailed Description of iTRAQ/TMT Tag Structure and Relative Quantification Principle

As shown below, the reporter group whose  mass is 114 contains one  C13 ,  and the mass of the reporter group is increased by 1 Da. At the same time, the balance group contains one  C13 and one  O18, and the total mass is increased by 3 Da, so that the total mass of the 114 label is increased by 4 Da. By analogy, the reporter group of 115   increase s   by 2   Da, the balance  group will increase by 2   Da .   T he reporter group of 116 increase s  by 3   Da, the balance  group will increase by 1   Da .   T he reporter group of 117 increase s  by 4Da, the balance  group will increase by 0   Da.  After t he above four tags are labeled with different isotopes for its  reporter group   and balance group, the respective report er  group and balance group have different masses . However, as the total mass   added   is the same,   the total mass of the label equal s . iTRAQ R elative Q uantitative R esearch P rinciple The protein is  first cleaved into peptides and then differ

Part I: Detailed Description of iTRAQ/TMT Tag Structure and Relative Quantification Principle

Introduction to iTRAQ and TMT T ag Speaking of iTRAQ  ( Isobaric Tag for Relative and Absolute Quantitation )  and TMT  ( Tandem Mass Tag ) , many of us may think that they are  two differen t quantitative pr o teo mics t echniques, but in fact, except the difference s  in labeling specifications and label molecular structure  as well as developer , the principle of their labeling peptides are b asically the same. iTRAQ was firstly developed by AB SCIEX ,  followed by whcih TMT  was developed by Thermo Fisher .   Although they have  different patents, the y   use almost the same   principle. Th e iTRAQ and TMT  marker a re essentially a chemical in vitro  labeling reagent that specifically labels peptides produced by protein digestion. The iTRAQ and TMT-labeled protein samples are available in different sizes. In contrast, TMT can label a wider range of samples and simultaneously quantify multiple sets of 2 protein samples  at least and 10 at most .   By labeling multiple sets

Techniques Used in Lipidomics Analysis

The concept of l ipidomics   was proposed with the rise of genomes and proteomics research, which was proposed by Chinese scientist Han Xianlin in 2 003. Lipidomics   is a com prehensive systematic analysis and identification of lipids and molecules interacting with organisms, tissues or cells, which aims at understanding the structure and function of lipids, and revealing lipid metabolism and cells, organs and even the body. It is a   subject of the relationship between physiological and pathological processes. Lipid is  a large class of compounds in nature that is insoluble in water and easily soluble in organic solvents. It is  chemically and structurally heterogeneous, mainly including fatty acids and their naturally occurring derivatives (such as esters or amines), as well as b iosynthesis and functionally related compounds.   Lipid can participate in a variety of biological metabolis m, such as  energy conversion, material transport, information recognition and transmiss