
Showing posts from November, 2018

Q&As About Proteomics (Q16-Q20)

Q16 . What bioinformatics analys es  do the proteome results usually need? At present, the analys es  in general literature mainly include Venn d iagram analysis, h ea t map a nalysis,  v olcano plot a nalysis, h ierarchical c luster A nalysis, p rotein f unction a nalysis (GO classification), p rotein m etabolic p athway e nrichment a nalysis (KEGG-based pathway), d ifferential p rotein  i nteraction n etwork c onstruction, t ranscription f actor p rediction , etc . Other relatively high-level analyses include multiple sets of data association analysis, multi-pathway extension analysis, phosphoprotein kinase predictive analysis, interaction networks, and biocontrol model construction analysis. Q1 7. What are the differences between iTRAQ and other proteomics techniques? Two-dimensional electrophoresis is the earliest and most classic proteomic s   technique . It is suitable for most samples, but strong acid or strong basic protein, and protein s   wh ose molecular wei

Q&As About Proteomics (Q11-Q15)

Q11 . In which  journals are proteomics experiment  related articles ususlly published ? W hat are the difference s ? MCP  (M olecular & C ellular P roteomics ): impact factor  7 JPR   (journal of proteome research ): impact factor  5 Proteomics : impact factor  5 Journal of Prteomics : impact factor  5 Electrophoresis : impact factor  5 Plos One : impact factor  5 Other magazines : BMC Genomics, Expert Rev Proteomics, BMC Syst Biol, OMICS, Proteomics Clin Appl, Proteome Sci , etc. Q12 . What techniques need to be repeated ? Which one is used in the repeated experiment, biological repetition or technical repetition? Label free needs to be repeated for three times, so do iTRAQ and TMT . If a large number of verification experiments such as WB or ELISA are designed in the experiment, it is better  to repeat them twice. If the experiment  is not repeated and there are only a  few   verification experiments  designed, the publication of  the article may be aff