
Showing posts from December, 2018

Six Techniques That Make Your Proteomics Research Easier (Part II)

SILAC  quantification is suitable for the analysis of living cultured cells and can be used for the identification and quantification of whole protein and membrane proteins. SILAC is mainly quantified by MS1, and iTRAQ / TMT  is mainly quantified by MS2. There is not much difference in quantitative accuracy and protein resolution between the two, but due to the complicated operation, long time span and high cost required by SILAC technology implementation, it has not been widely commercialized. Label-free , as its name implies, is a method for the identification and quantification of protein enzymatic peptides by non-labeled quantification. It is not necessary to use a reagent containing a stable isotope label. It is only necessary to compare the intensity of MS1 signal between the two groups of samples in a specific peptide to obtain a change in the amount of protein expression between the samples, which is usually used for the analysis of mass spectral data produced by larg