
Showing posts from August, 2019

Part II: Currently Used Protein Labeling Strategies

Protein Q uantum D ot L abeling Principles: Quantum Dots is an inorganic nanocrystal that emits fluorescence at a specific wavelength according to its size. It has a very high extinction coefficient and its extinction coefficient is 10 to 100 higher than that of small molecule fluorophores and fluorescent proteins. The quantum yield of quantum dots is also good. Typical quantum dots contain a cadmium selenide (CdSe) or cadmium telluride (CdTe) core surrounded by a zinc sulfide (ZnS) shell. Quantum dots absorb a wide range of wavelengths from very short wavelengths to slightly below their emission wavelengths, so a single wavelength of excitation light allows quantum dots to multiply. Application and feature s: Currently, water-soluble quantum dots and oil-soluble quantum dots can be coupled with molecules such as antibodies and streptavidin, and are used in biomarker detection, high-throughput coding, in vivo imaging, and dynamic tracing. However, the water-soluble quantum dot