
Showing posts from May, 2020

Practice of N-terminal Sequencing by Edman Degradation Technology in Protein and Peptide Sequence Analysis

The N-terminal amino acid sequence of protein is one of the key quality attributes of biological drugs. N-terminal sequencing by Edman degradation  is a routine method to analyze this property. The analysis of 15 amino acid sequences on the N-terminal by Edman degradation method is usually a necessary item when applying for biological drugs . At  the same time, it is also an annual inspection item of many listed biological drugs (see Pharmacopoeia 2015). In scientific research, N-terminal sequencing can be used to provide key information for the confirmation of unknown or uncertain theoretical sequences. So this method is widely used in scientific research and industry.  W hat are its principles ? H ow to analyze the results ? Advice for sample delivery? P rinciples In short, we can understand it from these two aspects: The first step  is Edman degradation . T hrough the reaction of PITC (Phenylisothiocyanate), an organic reagent, and α - amino acid at the N-terminal of pr