Top 10 Companies that Provide Proteomics Related Solutions (Part I)

The concept of Proteome was first proposed by Marc Wilkins, referring to all proteins expressed by a genome, or a cell or tissue. There are differences between the concept of a proteome and the concept of a genome, which varies with the organization and even the state of the environment. At the time of transcription, a gene can be spliced in multiple mRNA forms. A proteome is not a direct product of a genome, and the number of proteins in a proteome can sometimes exceed the number of genomes. Proteomics is in an early "developmental" state, and experts in this field deny that it is a simple methodology, just like genomics, not a closed, conceptually stable system of knowledge, but an area. 

The main significance of proteomics research is still studying the phenomenon of life and promoting human health. Protein is the executor of physiological function and the direct embodiment of life. The study of protein structure and function will directly clarify the mechanism of life under physiological or pathological conditions. Some phenomena of life are not only determined by a certain protein, but also the interaction of multiple proteins, which requires the study of proteomics.

There are hundreds of biotech companies that provide related services to help researchers. Lets take a look at the top 10 of them.

10. MRM Proteomics Inc. 

MRM Proteomics Inc. was originally launched in 2010 as a spin-off company to commercialize the cutting-edge proteomics technologies, tools, and know-how developed at the University of Victoria-Genome BC Proteomics Centre. Since then, MRM Proteomics Inc. has opened independent laboratories in Victoria and Montreal, provided proteomics services to many clients, established its own in-house technology development program, and developed and launched new commercial products.

9. MS Bioworks

MS Bioworks uses ThermoFisher Orbitrap platforms  with nanoscale liquid chromatography systems for all projects. This is industry leading instrumentation employed by many academic thought-leaders. It currently has three Orbitrap Fusion Lumos and two Q Exactive instruments. Its Orbitrap Fusion Lumos Tribrid mass spectrometers is the industry-leading high-performance mass spectrometers, with systems equipped with HCD, CID and ETD fragmentation. Its Q Exactives is hybrid quadrupole-Orbitrap mass spectrometers combining a high-performance quadrupole mass filters with the industry leading high resolution sensitive and selective Orbitrap mass analyzer. This instrument is ideal for discovery proteomics, quantitative proteomics and PTM related work. MS Bioworks uses Mascot, Scaffold, MaxQuant, Perseus, Byonic and Skyline packages for data processing and review.

8. LC Sciences
LC Sciences is a global biotechnology company providing products and services to genomics and proteomics researchers across an array of markets for nucleic acid/protein analysis, biomarker-discovery and drug development. Its proteomics products and services include the use of custom synthesized peptide microarrays based on the PepArray™ technology which enables the total customization of content on each individual microarray to suit your needs. The technology allows LC Sciences to synthesize thousands of custom peptides (sequences can be defined to each single amino acid residue) on an addressable array to act as kinase substrates, antibody epitopes, or protein binding ligands. It can perform enzymatic/binding reactions in a high-throughput format and generate quantitative results in a controllable, enclosed environment with minimal sample usage.

7. MtoZ Biolabs

MtoZ Biolabs is an international contract research organization (CRO) providing advanced proteomics, metabolomics, bioinformatics, and biopharmaceutical analysis services to researchers in biochemistry, biotechnology, and biopharmaceutical fields. The name of MtoZ represents “mass to charge ratio” in mass spectrometry analysis, as most of our services are provided based on our well-established mass spectrometry platforms. Its services allow for the rapid and efficient development of research projects, including protein analysis, proteomics, and metabolomics programs. 

MtoZ Biolabs is specialized in quantitative multiplexed proteomics and metabolomics applications through the establishment of state-of-the-art mass spectrometry platforms, coupled with high-performance liquid chromatography technology. Its services include protein analysis, protein sequencing, quantitative proteomics, PTMs identification, untargeted metabolomics, targeted metabolomics, biopharmaceuticals anlysis, etc.

6. Applied Biomics, Inc.

Applied Biomics, Inc. is a proteomics service company established in 2005. It is centrally located in San Francisco bay area, and occupies over 5,000 sq ft lab and office spaces. It covers both major platforms of proteomics: gel-based 2D DIGE (2-dimensional differential in-gel electrophoresis) and liquid-based iTRAQ (isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation). Its proteomics services start from customized experimental design, sample preparations, protein separations/quantifications, protein identifications to publication-ready data. Its proprietary sample preparation procedures has been optimized for every specific sample types. The 2D DIGE / iTRAQ® is powerful platforms for quantitating changes in global protein expressions in various research applications.


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