Top 10 Companies that Provide Proteomics Related Solutions (Part II)

5. Poochon Scientific

Poochon Scientific was founded in the heart of Greater Washington DC biohealth innovation hub in 2012. Founders of Poochon Scientific came with tens of years of experience in protein biochemistry, molecular and cellular biology, mass spectrometry instrumentation, bioinformatics, biopharmaceutical development, FDA regulatory compliance and more. Poochon is capable of maximizing the power of mass spectrometry (MS)-based technologies for wide variety of biomedical and pharmaceutical applications. Poochon Scientific is dedicated to providing proteomics services including protein identification, quantification, and profiling. Years of highly focused bioanalysis practice, brought Poochon unparallel expertise in vaccines and antibody therapeutics.

4. Integrated Analysis

Integrated Analysis is a proteomics software and consulting company based in Bethesda, MD, just outside of NIH. Integrated Analysis has developed an integrated, comprehensive SaaS (software as a service) solution for proteomics that allows proteomics labs to get access, within virtually minutes, to a fully hosted, tested, and integrated informatics solution for proteomics, using nothing more than a web browser.

It also offers software and bioinformatics consulting services, both for the proteomics community as well as Fortune 500 companies. It focuses on the non-trivial software and IT infrastructure requirements for proteomics, and the proteomics labs focus on the science.

3. Proteome Factory AG

Proteome Factory AG offers fully supported contract research, fee-for-services and advanced products for gel-based and gel-free proteome analysis (proteomics), protein identification, protein & peptide sequencing, characterization, analysis and epitope mapping by mass spectrometry (MS).
State-of-the-art technologies and methods are routinely employed for differential proteomics studies and quantification and validation of regulated proteins, biomarkers and targets. For separation of complex samples, it applies high resolution two-dimensional gel electrophoresis which theoretically allows to resolve up to 10000 protein spots in 40 x 30 cm 2DE gels. As gel-free methods for global comparison of proteomes, it employs LCMS-based isobaric labelling techniques like iTRAQ™ and TMT™ proteomics or label-free nanoHPLC-ESI-MS/MS based approaches. 

2. Biognosys

Founded in 2008 as a spin-off from the lab of proteomics pioneer Ruedi Aebersold at ETH Zurich, Biognosys is dedicated to transforming the life sciences with next generation proteomics solutions.

Biognosys believes that the decoding of the proteome will impact the life sciences more than the genome revolution two decades ago. Biognosys’ next generation technology quantifies proteins with unbeatable precision and depth. Its solution relies on mass spectrometry, which allows simultaneous quantification of thousands of proteins in a single experiment. This new generation protein quantification technology is available to researchers worldwide through our contract research services or our portfolio of innovative reagent and software products.

1. Bioproximity

Bioproximity has been a provider of contract scientific research, specializing in biological mass spectrometry and bioinformatics, since 2008. We offer a broad range of proteomic services designed for specific applications. We combine specialized sample handling and sample preparation tools and methods with state-of-the-art instrumentation, cloud-based computational resources and fit-for-purpose data analytic pipelines to yield the best quality data, consistently.

It developed Proteome Cluster, an industry-first web application for storing and analyzing tandem mass spectrometry data in the cloud through the use of transient, on-demand, Beowulf compute clusters using the high performance compute instances available via Amazon Web Services to enable highly parallelized data processing. Proteome Cluster can now execute nearly any data processing pipeline for biological mass spectrometry data. Its work has contributed to publications in leading journals including Science, PNAS and Cancer Research.


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