MtoZ Biolas Developed Protein Disulfide Bond Identification and Quantitative Analysis Platform

Based on Thermo Fisher's Q ExactiveHF mass spectrometry platform, Orbitrap Fusion mass spectrometry platform, Orbitrap Fusion Lumos mass spectrometry platform and Nano-LC, MtoZ Biolabs launched protein disulfide bond analysis solution.

Protein identification and structural functional analysis are essential for modern biological research, and mass spectrometry has become a crucial technology for this segment. Many proteins that are localized to the cell surface or secreted extracellularly have disulfide bonds, such as antibodies produced by the immune system, various growth factors, peptide hormones produced by the endocrine system including, and receptors for these growth factors or hormones.

Since the correct formation of disulfide bonds is important to the stability and activity of these proteins, and many protein products and target proteins of biopharmaceuticals have these properties, the exact resolution of the disulfide pairing is of great significance to their structure functional research, related product development and quality control.

Many proteins that are localized to the cell surface or secreted extracellularly have disulfide bonds, such as antibodies produced by the immune system, various growth factors, peptide hormones produced by the endocrine system including insulin, and receptors for these growth factors or hormones. The correct formation of disulfide bonds is critical to the stability and activity of these proteins, and many protein products and target proteins of biological agents have these properties. The precise analysis of the disulfide pairing is of great value for their structural and functional study, the research and development of related therapeutic effects and quality control. Based on its experience and the article published in Nature Methods: mapping native disul de bonds at a proteome scale, MtoZ Biolabs has established a solution focused on protein disulfide analysis at a single protein and omics level, including overcoming its in vitro exchange of protein disulfide bonds, maintaining their natural structure, efficient mass spectrometric analysis of disulfide-bonded peptides, and the accompanying disulfide bond identification software pLink-SS.

Disulfide bond identification research workflow

The project, disulfide bond identification, was designed for a university teacher. Some of the results obtained are shown in the following figure:

• Mapping the disulfide bond sites of unknown proteins
• Verify the disulfide bonds and folding of protein samples

Key Features
• Analysis of proteins at single protein level and proteomics level
• High-throughput, quantitatively identify and analyze disulfide bridges of multiple proteins
• Protein are maintained and analyzed in native status

Protein disulfide bond identification and quantitative analysis sample requirements


• Experiment procedures
• Parameters of liquid chromatography and mass spectrometer 
• MS raw data files
• Peptide identifications and intensities
• Protein identifications and disulfide bonds mapping
• Bioinformatics analysis

About MtoZ Biolabs

MtoZ Biolabs is an international contract research organization (CRO) specialized in quantitative multiplexed proteomics and metabolomics applications through the establishment of state-of-the-art mass spectrometry platforms, coupled with high-performance liquid chromatography technology.


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