Principles and Methods of Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Proteins

Mass spectrometry is sensitivity and accurate, and can accurately identify proteins. At present, mass spectrometry mainly identifies the primary structure of egg, including molecular weight, amino acid sequence of peptide chain and number and position of polypeptide or disulfide bond, which plays an important role in the study of protein structure analysis.

Mass spectrometry consists of injector, ion source, mass analyzer, ion detector, control computer, and data analysis system. Traditional mass spectrometry is only used for the analysis of small molecule volatiles, but with the emergence of new ionization techniques such as matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), etc. The emergence of various mass spectrometry techniques provides a new and accurate way for protein analysis. Now, the combined application of enzymatic hydrolysis, liquid chromatography separation, tandem mass spectrometry and computer algorithms has become the development trend of protein identification.

The basic principle of mass spectrometry analysis of proteins is to convert protein molecules into ions by ionization source, and then use the electric field and magnetic field of the mass spectrometer to separate protein ions with specific mass and charge ratio (M/Z), and pass the ion detector. The separated ions are collected, the M/Z value of the ions is determined, and the unknown protein is analyzed and identified. Proteins can be identified more accurately and quickly, often in conjunction with appropriate processing and other techniques.

Methods of Protein Mass Spectrometry

There are three main methods for mass spectrometric analysis of proteins: peptide mass fingerprinting (PMF), tandem mass spectrometry (CID), and ladder peptide sequencing.

Peptide Mass Fingerprinting (PMF) 

Peptide mass fingerprinting (PMF) uses a specific enzymatic or chemical hydrolysis method to cut the protein into small fragments, and then uses mass spectrometry to detect the relative molecular mass of each product peptide, and the mass of the obtained proteolytic peptide is corresponding. The database is searched for similar peptide fingerprints to draw a "peptide map". It can be seen that the accuracy of molecular mass is the key indicator of PMF. While the post-translational modification of protein may make the mass of PMF inconsistent with the theoretical value, so it needs to be properly combined with the sequence information.

Tandem Mass Spectrometry (CID)  

Tandem mass spectrometry (CID) uses the metastable ions generated by the molecules measured during ionization and flight to identify the corresponding amino acid residues by analyzing the mass difference of adjacent peaks of the same type. The peptide sequence map of tandem mass spectrometry requires the reading of a partial amino acid sequence in combination with the ionic mass before and after the peptide mass. This method of identification is called peptide sequence tag (PST).

Ladder Peptide Sequencing

The Ladder peptide sequencing is similar to Edman method in that a chemical probe or enzymatic hydrolysis is used to degrade the amino acid residue from the N-terminus or the C-terminus, resulting in a series of peptides containing only one amino acid residue. It is called ladder, and it is detected by mass spectrometry, and the corresponding amino acid residues are known from the difference in mass of adjacent peptide peaks. The problem is that the rate of enzymatic hydrolysis is different and it is susceptible to interference.

Problems in Protein Mass Spectrometry  

Problems about Protein Digestion

The larger the group of protein-digested proteins, the lower the accuracy of mass spectrometry detection. Therefore, before mass spectrometry, the protein must be digested into small molecule peptides to improve the accuracy of mass spectrometry. In general, peptides of 6-20 amino acids are most suitable for the detection of mass spectrometers. The most commonly used enzyme today is trypsin, which cleaves the lysine and arginine of the protein. Therefore, the same protein will be produced by trypsin digestion.

Problems about Protein Modification

It is difficult to give 100% of the sequence of the peptide under current conditions. Some peptides are often lost. Protein phosphorylation also inhibits enzymatic hydrolysis of trypsin, and the amount of phosphorylated peptide is much less than that of non-phosphorylated peptides, therefore the response of mass spectrometry to phosphorylated peptides may be inhibited. Thus, the content of non-phosphorylated peptides should be minimized as much as possible. Methods for reducing non-phosphorylated peptides include fractionation, IMAC (solid phase metal affinity chromatography) and antibody binding.

Problems about Accuracy

In mass spectrometry sequencing, the accuracy of mass spectrometry has a great impact on the results of the assay, since the key to mass spectrometry is to determine the molecular weight difference between adjacent peptide chains, as to determine the corresponding amino acid residues. If the measured absolute mass error is 0.5 or more, it is impossible to effectively distinguish amino acid residues with a mass difference of 1 or less.

Instrument reference

Q Exactive Focus Combined Quadrupole Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer


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