
Showing posts from December, 2019

MtoZ Biolabs Offers a 10% Discount on a Series of De Novo Sequencing Services

In order to support researchers studying in the field of antibody engineering, MtoZ Biolabs now offers a 1 0% discount on series of de novo sequencing services , includ ing  antibody de novo  sequencing and protein de novo  sequencing. This promotion starts from January 1, 20 20  and ends on  January   10 , 20 20 . MtoZ Biolabs is specialized in quantitative multiplexed proteomics and metabolomics applications through the establishment of various spectrometry platforms coupled with high-performance liquid chromatography technology. Based on the high-resolution mass spectrometer Obitrap Fusion Lumos  and extensive bioinformatics analysis experience, MtoZ Biolabs has established a new generation of de novo   s equencing  platform that enables fast and accurate analysis   of m onoclonal antibody primary sequence, protein sequence and mutation. D e N ovo Antibody S eq uencing   Analysis of the primary antibody sequence is the basis for developing antibody-based drugs. Howeve

Proteomics Research Revealed the Latest Molecular Mechanisms of Alzheimer's Disease

Delayed  and unscheduled Alzheimer's disease accounts for 99% of all such diseases, and it is associated with a variety of pathogenic factors and pathological mechanisms. One of them is a post-translational modification  process of proteins called "O-linked beta-N acetylglucosamine modification" or "O-GlcNAc". The low content and easily decomposable properties of O-GlcNAc make it difficult to study this type of protein modification, and it is also difficult for scientists to quantitatively study O-GlcNAc on a large scale. According to an article published in the Journal of Pathology , researchers used a new approach to integrated proteomics to study this type of protein modification in detail. The author of the article is Cheng-Xin Gong from the City University of New York and Sheng Wang from the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. This study systematically quantified proteomic analysis of the characteristics of O-GlcNAc modification in the

Journals in the Field of Proteomics for Journal Article Submission

Proteomics refers to studying the characteristics of proteins on a large scale  ( including protein expression  level, post-translational modifications , protein-protein interactions, etc. )  to get  comprehensive understanding  of disease occurrence , cell metabolism  and other aspects on protein-level processes . As a technical strategy, proteomics and modification omics have attracted more and more attention, and its related research results have been reported in many other fields and journals. Top journals, including NC, have seen a dramatic increase in the number of clinical sample proteomic studies since 2018, a trend of nearly two articles per month. Which journal can we submit   to depend on two key factors , the quality of the proteomics project   and   subsequent molecular mechanisms and functional verification. This article lists some  of the  journals that are closely related to proteomics for your  journal article submission . Molecular &Cellular Proteomics

Applications of Edman Degradation N-terminal Sequencing in Analyzing Protein and Peptide Sequences

Th e N-terminal amino acid sequence of a protein is one of the key quality attributes of a biopharmaceutical. Edman degradation N-terminal sequencing is a conventional method for analyzing this property. Analysis of the 15 amino acid sequences at the N-terminus by the Edman degradation method is usually a mandatory inspection item when applying for biopharmaceutical s. It  is also an annual inspection item for many biopharmaceuticals already on the market. In scientific research, N-terminal sequencing can be used for proteins with unknown or uncertain theoretical sequences to provide key information for confirmation. Therefore, this method is widely used in scientific research and industry. While,  what is its principl e, how to analyze the results, and what are the suggestions for sending samples? To put it simply, we can understand from these two aspects: Step I:  Edman degradation . T he organic reagent of PITC (benzene isothiocyanate) reacts with the α-amino group at the N