Journals in the Field of Proteomics for Journal Article Submission

Proteomics refers to studying the characteristics of proteins on a large scale (including protein expression level, post-translational modifications, protein-protein interactions, etc.) to get comprehensive understanding of disease occurrence, cell metabolism and other aspects on protein-level processes.

As a technical strategy, proteomics and modification omics have attracted more and more attention, and its related research results have been reported in many other fields and journals. Top journals, including NC, have seen a dramatic increase in the number of clinical sample proteomic studies since 2018, a trend of nearly two articles per month. Which journal can we submit to depend on two key factors, the quality of the proteomics project and subsequent molecular mechanisms and functional verification. This article lists some of the journals that are closely related to proteomics for your journal article submission.

Molecular &Cellular Proteomics

MCP is a top journal in the field of proteomics, and many of the previous readings come from this journal. Impact factor of 2018 is 4.828. It’s a monthly journal. Average review cycle is one-month. All manuscripts will undergo rigorous peer review, and accepted manuscripts are published online in advance as preprints. It covers a wide range, including proteomics, peptides, mass spectrometry methods, etc.

Official website:
Submission website:

Journal of Proteome Research

The Journal of Proteome Research is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published since 2002 by the American Chemical Society. Its publication frequency switched from bimonthly to monthly in 2006. The impact factor of 2018 is 3.78. It is expected to pick up this year. The average review period is 2-3 months with an acception rate of 45.83%.

Submission website:


Proteomics is a peer-reviewed scientific journal covering topics including whole proteome analysis of organisms, protein expression profiling, disease, pharmaceutical, agricultural and biotechnological applications, and analysis of cellular systems, organelles and protein complexes. It is published by Wiley VCH. The impact factor of 2018 is 2.106. The average review period is 2.5 months with an acception rate of 33.3%.

Journal of Proteomics

The Journal of Proteomics is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Elsevier. It is the official journal of the European Proteomics Association and the editor-in-chief is Juan Calvete. It was established in 1979 as the Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods, obtaining its current name in 2008. According to the Journal Citation Reports, the journal has a 2018 impact factor of 3.537. The average review period is 2.5 months with an acception rate of 44%.

Expert Review of Proteomics

The Expert Review of Proteomics is a bimonthly journal with 83 annual submissions and a review period of 6-12 weeks. This journal is generally invited by the editor-in-chief to publish related technologies, methods, and proteomic studies of the role of various proteins in human health and disease. 

Proteomics Clinical Applications

Proteomics Clinical Applications mainly publishes proteomics research related to human diseases and clinical applications, including basic proteomics research to understand the molecular mechanism of diseases, proteomics results related to disease diagnosis and prognostic molecular markers, new drug target discovery Proteomics research, the application of proteomics in drug development, the application of proteomics in clinical experiments, etc. Its a monthly journal, and the average review period is usually 4-8 weeks. Its impact factor is 2.324 in 2018.

Clinical Proteomics

Clinical Proteomics is a peer-reviewed medical journal published quarterly by Humana Press. It covers scientific research in the field of translational proteomics with an emphasis on the application of proteomic technology to all aspects of clinical research. It was established in March 2004.

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta(BBA)Proteins & Proteomics

BBA Proteins and Proteomics covers protein structure conformation and dynamics; protein folding; protein-ligand interactions;enzyme mechanisms, models and kinetics; protein physical properties and spectroscopy; and proteomics and bioinformatics analyses of protein structure, protein function, or protein regulation. 240 articles are published in a year, and the review is generally 3-6 weeks. Its IF is 2.54.

Proteome Science

Proteome Science is an open access journal publishing research in the area of systems studies. Proteome Science considers manuscripts based on all aspects of functional and structural proteomics, genomics, metabolomics, systems analysis and metabiome analysis. It encourages the submissions of studies that use large-scale or systems analysis of biomolecules in a cellular, organismal and/or environmental context. Its IF is 1.769.

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