Protein Data-independent Acquisition Quantitative Technology

In the field of proteomics research, liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)-based discovery proteomics can detect and relatively quantify thousands of proteins in biological samples over the past decade or two. It has been widely used in various research, and reseaechers have developed two mainstream methods, label quantification (iTRAQ/TMT, SILAC) and label free, which are based on data-dependent acquisition (DADA). The method of collecting protein spectral data is also referred to as "shotgun".
However, the DDA data acquisition mode has inherent shortcomings such as poor repeatability, inaccurate quantification, large data loss, and difficulty in detecting low abundance proteins.
MRM/SRM/PRM-based target proteomics can provide accurate absolute quantitative results for tens to hundreds of target proteins with high repeatability and is the gold standard for absolute quantitation of mass spectrometry. However, the flux is relatively low, and accurate quantitation of high-throughput proteins cannot be performed.
Is there a technology, which is not only of high-throughput, quantitative,but with  accurate repeatability as well? The DIA technology (data-independent acquisition) developed and rapidly ignited in recent years is such the technology.
This technology combines the high-throughput and mass spectrometry of the traditional proteome shotgun with the quantitative and accurate advantages of the absolute quantitative gold standard MRM/PRM, which is named the most noteworthy technology of 2015 by Nature Methods. The number of published articles related to DIA has grown rapidly in the past three years and is the current fragrance in the field of proteomics research.
Protein DIA Quantitative Publication Trend (data source: Pubmed)
The entire scanning range of the mass spectrum is divided into several parts, and all the parent ions in each part are selected, fragmented, and detected at high speed and cyclically, and all pieces of information of all the parent ions in the sample are obtained without any deviation.
Protein DIA Quantitative Analysis Workflow
Applications of Protein DIA Quantitative Analysis: Medicine, botany, pharmacy, animal husbandry, food and environment.


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